четверг, 10 сентября 2009 г.

How to avoid arthritis

How to avoid arthritis

Medicine tells us that arthritis is much easier to prevent than to treat it later. There are many ways to help us achieve this - this is especially good nutrition, different diet, moderate physical activity, treatment with herbs and ointments.

Proper nutrition is very strongly affects the weight of the man, his overall health - it will help people suffering from arthritis, be free from any kind of swelling, fatigue and stress. In addition to this very effective correctly selected diet.

In his diet is not recommended to go beyond 2000 kcal per day. Need a diet conducive to reducing the use of proteins, as well as increased consumption of carbohydrates. Because the abundance of proteins and foods, overloads the liver, and this may be one of the causes swelling of the joints.

In order to combat arthritis use vegetarian diet that includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, cereals, vegetable fiber, etc. - Such products are friendly to arthritis. It can help digestion, better tolerated stomach and help to lose weight.

It was observed that the juice of green leafy vegetables can help reduce arthritis, and this is mainly because the juice helps to combat swelling of the joints.

You should refuse or At least reduce the use of different types of fatty foods. Fats have an impact not only on the joints, but on the cardiovascular system a whole. In order to overcome the symptoms you need to take prescribed pharmaceuticals and use ointments. Remember that losing weight reduces the load on the joints, but it is very important in the fight against arthritis.

Replace your sunflower oil with olive oil. Instead of meat try to eat fish. Drink lots of tea, give up drinking coffee. Try to eat less pasta, white flour products. Eat more fruits and vegetables.